Here goes:
Herbal Studies - My Own Study Guide
Herbal Traditions and History- American Botanical Movement
- the Humoral System
- Other Botanical Traditions
- Traditional Chinese Medicine
- Ayureveda
- phytotherapy
- herbal energetics
- Global healing traditions
- Healing strategies
- Modern medicine and holistic healing – how they can work together
- choosing herbs, determining what are good quality
- where to get good herbs
- herbal actions
- storing herbs, collecting and drying
- herbal teas and tinctures, the basics
- syrups
- topical applications
- herbal actions
- anatomy overview
- growing herbs
- creating a materia medica – what is it and how to best make it work
- describe herbs – parts, what types of roots, the seeds shape, size, color, name and habitat, shape of leaves, color and size, common names, flowers, petals, scent, height, habitat, shrubs, trees, etc absolutely everything about them all
- describe herbs – parts, what types of roots, the seeds shape, size, color, name and habitat, shape of leaves, color and size, common names, flowers, petals, scent, height, habitat, shrubs, trees, etc absolutely everything about them all
- science vs art
- solubility and proper menstruums
- determining proper dosage
- the menstruum table
- herbal preparations
- creating herbal formulas
- guidelines for formulas
- guidelines for formulas
- herbal extractions
- plant constituents and solubility
- the apothecary
- garden
- therapy in horticulture
- planning a growing area
- growing techniques
- garden
- Herbal first aid – create a flip book or quick reference guide
- compress and poultices
- plantain poultice
- stimulants and stimulation therapy – when to use and not
- making a first aid kit
- compress and poultices
- herbal actions, energetics and constitutions
- simples and creating formulas – making effective formulas
- traditional ways
- traditional ways
- balancing and directing the energy
- side effects and safety
- remedies for radiation
- survival tactics
- nutritional antidotes
- Materia Medica of herbs discovered in this unit
- plant identification and taxonomy
- eight steps to plant identification
- botany – understanding plants
- eight steps to plant identification
- plant chemistry
- pharmacognosy and pharmacology
- herb / herb / drug interactions
- materia medica
- the immune system
- prevention is the best medicine
- detox and cleansing
- cold, flus, and viruses
- respiratory system
- herbs that are good for kids
- herbs for her and for him
- Materia Medica basics
- What's in the kitchen cupboard?
- Spices and their magic
- Materia Medica for the kitchen
- kitchen remedies
- wildcrafting and foraging
- the kitchen cupboard
- vinegars
- oils
- honey
- edible and medicinal plants
- foraging
- wild crafting
- plant savers
- Materia Medica
- the nervous system overview
- the central nervous system
- the peripheral nervous system
- the enteric nervous system
- the central nervous system
- stress
- headaches and migranes
- essential oils for nerves
- sleep and insomnia
- materia medica for the nervous system
- History
- Conventional medicine
- The Holistic model of medicine
- The holistic body
- herbalism – what is it? More than just herbs
- holistic approaches
- digestive system overview
- common ailments
- imbalances of digestive system
- good health for the digestive system
- herbal remedies
- materia medica
- building our immune system and health
- prevention
- common problems
- materia medica
- anatomy of the heart
- blood pressure
- cholesterol
- heart strong health
- herbal remedies and therapeutics
- diet
- glycosides
- the energetic heart
- materia medica
- liver overview
- liver health
- liver imbalances
- herbal remedies and tonics
- materia medica
- overview
- breathing
- asthma
- lung imbalances and common complaints
- herbal tonics and remedies
- materia medica
- Urinary and Kidney health
- Urinary Tract Infections
- Bladder Health
- Materia medica
- common complaints
- formulas and recipes
- building health
- safe herbs for kids
- dosing
- materia medica
- anatomy review
- blood, lymphatic and mucous membrane functions
- common conditions
- herbs and healing
- materia medica
The Endocrine system
- Anatomy overview of the endocrine system
- players and messengers of the system – the ultimate messaging system
- general health and wellness
- common ailments
- the herbal approach – conducting a symphony
- materia medica
Male Health
- the male reproductive system
- youth and puberty
- ageing
- general health care
- the male heart
- the prostate
- male hormones and balance
- male stressors and common complaints
- materia medica
- female reproductive system, hormones, reproductive system
- youth
- ageing
- general health care
- breast health
- female complaints
- fertility, pregnancy, miscarriage, birth
- menopause
- signs of
- general guidelines
- specific treatments for
- estrogen replacement therapy
- signs of
- materia medica
- Bones and Muscles – anatomy
- physiology of
- inflammation, spasms, and damaged bones
- health of the ms system
- common conditions
- managing pain
- materia medica
Healthy Ageing
- longevity, vitality, and prevention
- ageing and the elderly – social and cultural considerations
- the ageing skin
- illness and disease
- materia medica
- overweight and obesity
- the brain / gut connection and psychology of food
- energetics of food
- sugar
- food allergies and sensitivities
- fasting and detox
- daily living with herbs
- dieting
- materia medica
- the nature of healing
- the energy of healing
- the mind body connection
- regeneration and rejuvenation
- reaching the spirit
- aromatherapy in the healing process
- Intro to the skin
- body care recipes
- external health
- internal health
- salves, balms, lotions and butters
- topical oils for the skin
- scrubs and cleansers
- herbal baths
- moisturizers and toners
- hair care
- Materia Medica for the skin
- assessing a body and complaints
- advanced formulations
- becoming an herbalist
- defining your path – what do you want to do with it
- valuing your worth
- useful resources and organizations
- setting up a practise
- seminars
- classes
- writing
- defining your path – what do you want to do with it
- flower therapy / flower essence therapy and overview
- reflexology
- yoga
- tibetan medicine
Making and Selling Herbal Products
- labelling, sourcing, creating brand and marketing your product
Herbal Resources and Organizations
Aromatherapy Studies
- aromatherapy history
- substances used by ancients for medicinal purposes and how they were used
- chi, yin, and yan
- vibrational medicines
- substances used by ancients for medicinal purposes and how they were used
- curative powers of smell and the olfactory pathway
- essential oils, extraction, mixing and blending
- essential oil industry, why these oils are different from others
- how they penetrate the skin and how long it takes
- three methods of obtaining an essential oil
- evaporation of the oils
- essential oil industry, why these oils are different from others
- carrier oils
- what is a carrier oil
- five carrier oils
- top, middle, and base note oils – make a list
- how long each note lasts
- the most versatile of all oils and two which are very expensive
- contra-indication and examples of how it applies
- what is a carrier oil
- materia medica of essential oils
- tables of oils
- using oils for – alopecia, catarrh, bronchitis, dermatitis, earache, menopause, migraine
- tables of oils
- tables of essential oils
- stress and aromatherapy
- stress
- burnout
- managing stress
- stress
- aromatherapy massage
- centering yourself
- benefits
- meaning of massage and why you should oil
- effleruage massage is.... and how to apply
- petrissage massage ... method of application
- the functions of the bladder meridian
- centering yourself
- massage
- relaxing, stimulating
- how to perform a massage sequence of the back area
- massage of the stomach
- relaxing, stimulating
- setting up a therapy practise
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