Friday, January 03, 2014

A Family Built Upon a Rock

I wouldn't trade my family for anything in the world!  But that doesn't mean that we don't have our fair share of challenges.  I have six children, two (almost three) grandson's, a daughter in law and a son in law.  And I must say we are all very opinionated, to say the least. 

There is a cute little song called "The Wise Man Built His House Upon A Rock".  It talks about how the wise man built his house upon a rock and when the wind and rains, and storms came, the house stood still.  Then the next verse talks about how the foolish man built his house upon the sand, and when the rains, winds and storms came, his house washed away.  It is an analogy for life, because if we have a solid foundation under us, when the storms of life hit, we will be able to hold on strong and weather the storm.

I want to liken it to families.  I think the storms that attack our families today are pretty fierce, and if our families don't have a solid foundation, they will not weather the storm.

You know the famous saying "A Family That Plays Together, Stays Together"?  This is one way we can build a strong foundation under our families.  We really need to take time to play together.  Do you like to play with your family?  It is proven that a great thing happens when families take time to play together.  They laugh.  They lighten up.  They communicate.  They bond.  And my favorite - family memories are built.  You know those little memories that years from now, as these memories cross your mind, you will smile, and even chuckle. 

Creating fun family traditions are very important and can carry on for generations.  My son in-law's family has the fun tradition.  When they get together for Christmas every year, the entire family, all ages, goes to their local church gymnasium and has a super crazy nerf gun war.  What a cool tradition everyone looks forward to each year and will for generations to come.  One thing that our family loves to do is have wiener roasts and bon fires.  If the weather is nice outside, and there are a few of us that are free, then it is often that someone will say, "wiener roast at Kin Coulee?" and the next thing you know we are all having fun creating the memories and traditions.  Sometimes the fire is right in our own fire pit in the back yard and sometimes at one of the local parks, it really doesn't matter where it is, it only matters that we do it.

Family vacations, holidays, birthdays, reunions, and anything else that brings families together, is worth the efforts.  We are so busy in this world, that many families don't have time, or should I say don't take time to play together.  That is one of the "Achilles heal" of our modern day families.  It will eventually bring down the family. 

"Create meaningful family bonds that give your children an identity stronger than what they can find with their peer group or at school or anyplace else. This can be done through family traditions for birthdays, for holidays, for dinnertime, and for Sundays."  M. Russell Ballard

"Wholesome recreation is part of our religion, and a change of pace is necessary, and even its anticipation can lift the spirit."  Ezra Taft Benson

Give the family something to look forward to.  Something to anticipate.  Something to fight for.  Play together on a regular basis.  Make the time for the things that matter most of all.  Make memories.

Don't know how to play together?  Ask your kids for suggestions, they will probably have a ton.  If not think about these.......

  • go to a park and swing together
  • roll in the grass
  • count the stars
  • watch the clouds
  • go for a walk
  • go to a lake
  • go swimming at the pool
  • go bowling
  • go camping
  • play a game
  • eat supper together
  • build a snowman
  • go on a picnic
  • have a nerf gun war
  • have a water fight
  • build a puzzle
Reality the sky is the limit.  Use your imagination and play together.


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