Wednesday, February 19, 2014


Memories can be some pretty powerful things.  Today my Grandma passed away, and I find my thoughts are kind of all over the place remembering things that we did together, and the kind of lady that she was.

I love making good memories.  There are so many stress and unhappy things that happen in life, that we desperately need to compensate by making lots of good memories.  I am always telling my kids to make good memories.  Those are the times and things that we will remember.  We will remember something, so why not make it the good ones.

Love you Grandma
I think back to my childhood, and I remember the good times with cousins and friends.  I remember the fun we had at the special times of the year.  I remember having to bundle up before bed and walk out to the outhouse because the plumbing was frozen. I remember sitting on a red ant hill and being covered in ants and they were biting me.  I remember riding my horse all the time.  I remember being sprayed by a skunk - that wasn't a good memory.  I remember having the mumps - that wasn't fun either.  There are so many memories that I have, and most of them are great ones.

Make great memories that you will remember, your kids and grandkids will remember.  Really, when we leave this earth, like my grandma just did, the only thing we can take with us are the memories we make, while we are here.  Whether they are good or bad, they will always stick with us, so I choose to make them good from here on out.  Unfortunately we can't always choose them.  Life still throws us things that we don't expect and sometimes they aren't happy memories.  That is okay.  Remember to compensate for the bad ones and make more good ones.

My Grandma was a lady to remember.  She exemplified the word lady.  I sure will miss her, but I know she has gone to a better place, and she is with Grandad and her mom again.  She told me that she missed her mom and looked forward to being with her again someday. Now she has that. She is happy and pain free.

Life is great.  Let's all make great memories for many more years to come.  At least until we can outlive grandma.


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